Lonely Children Don’t Learn

You can help

Friend 2 Friend Social Learning Society is dedicated to

through the creation and delivery of programs that foster inclusion and celebrate diversity for children aged 4 to 10.

Empowering educators to meet BC Curriculum standards for Social and Emotional Learning in students from PreK to Grade 3.

Demystifying the Classroom Program

This program is a user-friendly resource designed to aid educators in implementing the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum in British Columbia for PreK to grade three students.

Supporting caregivers through essential training to foster social inclusion for children ages 4 to 10.

Demystification for Caregivers Podcast

A 10-minute podcast emphasizing the importance of addressing the social play needs of neurodiverse and marginalized children. Available Fall 2024.

Early Childhood and the Autism Spectrum Online Course

A self-directed online course for Early Childhood Educators and parents that focuses on supporting social inclusion and peer play for neurodiverse children ages 3 through 7.

Your generous donation will help us turn loneliness into learning for BC Children.